Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pat and Isabelle

Baxter Peak and the Knife Edge Trail on Maine's Mount Katahdin.  from Wikimedia Commons (Greg Neault)
My mommy and I drove to Millinocket which is north of here a long way near that mountain.  We stayed with one of my favorite people, Pat. Unfortunately Oscar the cat lives there now.  He and I have come to an agreement.  I won't chase him unless he asks.  We greet each other briefly by touching noses and then try to stay out of each other's way.  I got my own plate of Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, potatoes, squash, peas and stuffing with a bit of gravy)  I ate some of everything, but left most of the peas.  I only like fresh peas, thank you.

We stayed in the apartment so I wouldn't have to do stairs.  That's how I met Pat.  She rented us the apartment behind her kitchen when we moved to Millinocket.  Our house wasn't ready because the wife of the former priest was still living there.  The first weekend SHE had to go to Bangor because one of the people in her church hit a moose and was very sick.  I stayed with Pat in her part of the house and we became fast friends.  It took my mommy a lot longer to become friends.  Pat came with us on our last trip across the country.  We had so much fun.  Pat really liked seeing Teddy Roosevelt National Park and Glacier and Crater Lake and especially the Grand Canyon.  I liked having two beds to choose from at night and getting only people food.

Yesterday morning we left Millinocket very early.  It was still dark.  I recognized the doggie hospital when we got there and refused to come out of the car.  Alas, SHE is bigger than I am and finally managed to corner me and pick me up.  I showed her.  I peed on the floor of the hospital.  Then they took me inside.  I haven't seen my mommy since.  They put me to sleep and now I am very groggy.  They say I have to stay here three nights.  I want my mommy!!

UPDATE: (10 am)  I'm awake and able to walk around.  My doctor didn't think I could.  They don't know what a strong dog I really am. Now if they would only take this funny clear tube out of my leg.  They tell me it's so I won't hurt and they'll take it out tonight.  I hate being in a cage, but I need to sleep so that's all for now.


  1. I'm called Little One. Dumb name but I was little when I found this place. Anyhow I'm happy you are doing ok. The other felines don't like dogs at all but I haven't had any bad experiences yet. The gal who feeds and scritches me said we should pray for you. I don't think they will but I will. Take care of yourself now so you can jump up to the lap again when you are healed.

  2. Thank you Little One. It's a nice name. I think you would be fun to play chase with. I used to have a cat friend in Wyoming and we had fun. After the chase we would take a nap side by side.

    They say it's going to take me four weeks before I can jump up again. The nice thing is SHE does pick me up so I can sit next to her on the couch. I'm a bit big for her lap, but I do put my head on it.
